Patience Read online

Page 10

  His eyes meet mine, and gazing down at me, the truth echoes in brilliant pools of blue. He gets it. And then, he shows me again how much he gets it. Again and again.

  I don't know if the guys I was with before just didn't know what they were doing or if it's because I love Eric so damn much, but there are no problems with the big O here. In fact, I have so many, I lose count.

  Afterwards, when we're both too limp to move, I lie in his arms, as he draws circles on my back.


  I fall asleep with a smile on my face. He knew.

  A loud noise wakes me, and I reach for my phone. Quincy. "Hey! What's up?" I hear muffled cries as she gasps for breath. I sit up in bed, Eric's arm sliding from my waist. "Quince?" It's the boys. I knew something was up. I shouldn't have left her. I knew it.

  "Jenna." One word, and it cuts me to my soul.

  "Quincy, what's going on? What's wrong?" My heart rate picks up, and I hold my breath. Eric sits up next to me, placing a kiss on my shoulder. I close my eyes, knowing that when I open them, this precious time will be over.

  "Jenna, I need you." Her strangled words tell me this isn't about Brody at all. And deep down, I know exactly what it is. Her deepest fears have come to life.

  "Are you OK? Quince, you're scaring me." I close my eyes and pray as hard as I ever have. Please, don't let it be. Please. Please. Please. No.

  "Jenna, it's Katie." A knife twists in my gut. "She killed herself."

  I jump out of bed, gathering my things and throwing them in my bag. I promise her I'm on my way and hang up, turning to Eric. His eyes are filled with concern, and I almost fall apart. A tear rolls down my face, and I wipe it away.

  Yes, love is a beautiful mess. Sometimes, it's chaos. And sometimes, it's downright heartbreaking.

  I'm going home to put my friend back together.

  The End

  Don't worry! If you want to read more about Jenna and Eric, they will make appearances in the other Choices books, but be patient... the rest of their story will be released later this year!

  Please leave a review where you purchased this book or on Goodreads- all honest reviews are much appreciated! I personally read them and take your comments to heart. The best thing you can do to support indie authors is to leave those reviews.

  Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or on facebook @ Author Sydney Lane. I can also be found on twitter @SydneyLane7. Would love to hear from you!

  Patience Playlist

  Beyonce - XO

  Ciara - Body Party

  Lorde - 400 Lux

  Tegan and Sara - Closer

  Ed Sheeran - Kiss Me


  I can't believe I'm here again, now finishing the third book with my Choices gang. It's been a wild and enjoyable ride, and I hope we can stay on it for a very long time.

  First, I thank you- the readers- for everything! If not for your love of these characters, they would never have become who they are. Your love and support mean so much. Indie authors often struggle with finding a faithful audience, with finding a place to fit in, and I'm so thankful to have such loyal followers. Your kind words of support help me rally when I'm not sure where I'm going, and I take all of your input seriously.

  Sharon McGauley, you continue to be the best beta reader ever! There are no words for the endless words of wisdom and faithful emails.

  Melissa Storm Allen, you did it again! Your beautiful covers bring my characters to life, and I associate them with my books as much as I do the words. What can I say? You are awesome!

  A huge thanks to Julia, , Kristyn, Kelly, Katherine, Whitney, Maty, and all of my undercover operators. Having partners in crime make it all the more real.

  Sarah Kay Bacle and Drew Richards, thank you both for the wonderful cover shot! Beautiful!

  My family, it would take way too long to ever thank you enough. My husband's support has paved the way for me to continue doing this thing I love... and those girls... I love them more than they will ever know or understand.

  And once again... to the wonderful blogging community and the tireless Ena Burnette at Enticing Journey... thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!