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Patience Page 2

  Chapter 4


  I've been planning this trip since our second date. That was the day I decided Jenna was mine, and I haven't looked at another girl since.

  She's exactly what I want and all I'll ever need.

  Her blonde hair, long, smooth legs, and surreal blue eyes reeled me in; however, it was her carefree, never-take-things-too-seriously-but-I-can-still-kick-your-ass attitude that cinched the deal. It doesn't hurt that she looks better every time I lay eyes on her. At first, I couldn't decide if she looked so damn good because I couldn't have her or if she really was that stunning.

  Yeah. No question. She really is that stunning.

  So beautiful she steals the words from my mouth and the air from my lungs. I've never felt this way before. I'm not gonna lie- sometimes, it scares the shit out of me.

  I watch her walk across campus toward me, though she hasn't seen me yet. It's hot for this time of year, even for Tennessee. In jean shorts and a tank, she couldn't look better, unless she was naked. In my bed...

  That's a thought for another day. One I hope will soon become reality.

  "Jenna!" I call out to her. I watch as she turns in the direction of my voice, a smile playing at the corner of her lips. She's still trying to act like she's mad, but I know better. She forgave me before I even asked. That's just the way she is.

  "Eric, I can't be bothered right now. I'm meeting some hot stud for lunch today. I'll call you when I get back to the dorm." She moves to walk past me, pretending to be unaffected by me, and I quickly reach out and wrap my arms around her waist, jerking her backwards and into me. With her back pressed against my chest, the bare skin of her shoulder is tempting.

  Too tempting.

  She wiggles against me, intentionally touching me in sensitive places she's recently discovered. I nuzzle her neck, breathing her in, and whisper, "Jenna, don't you know it's dangerous to play these immature games? I'd love to bend you over my knee and spank you right now." I feel her shudder against me. Two can play this game.

  In all of our no-sexcapades, we've had time to explore each other's bodies, learning how to please each other, something I've never done. Before Jenna, with other girls, I knew where things were headed, knew what I wanted, and ran straight to home plate. We've been taking our time on the bases, 'mastering' each one before moving to the next. Hell, I think she knows my body better than I do. And I certainly love finding her hot spots.

  Last night, before her freak out, I almost lost the bet. I was ready to throw in the towel, but I somehow managed to hold on by a very thin thread.

  We had decided to watch a movie after the party, and I just couldn't take it anymore. The room was hot, and her body was calling my name. I was propped up against the headboard of my bed while she lay against me, her head on my chest and her hand exploring my stomach. She was drawing lazy circles, closer and closer to my waistband. I closed my eyes, attempting to regain control and talk myself down from the ledge, when I noticed there was a pattern to her seemingly random movements.


  My eyes snapped open when I realized what she had written. I love you. My heart began pounding relentlessly as I struggled with the reality that this beautiful girl, everything I had ever dreamed of, was in love with me. In love. With me.

  In a flash, I wrapped my hands around her waist, lifting her above me. Her eyes were wide with shock, then red hot desire, as I settled her over my hips. Draping my hand around the base of her neck, I pulled her mouth to mine, desperately plunging my tongue into her mouth. She began moving her hips, rolling them back and forth over me, swaying as if she were dancing to an erotic song.

  At that moment, there was only us. No bet. No guitar. Just us.

  Her dress rode up over her legs, settling at her hips and allowing me access to her most intimate places. I reached between us, pushing her panties to the side, my fingers causing soft moans of pleasure to escape her lips. I was hypnotized as I watched her glide back and forth with her head thrown back, exposing her throat. Her movements became frantic, less rhythmic, as I witnessed her undoing. Her body quaked above me as her head fell forward, her breasts heaving with each breath she drew in. I could only watch in satisfaction and wonder as she rode it out.

  She slowly opened her eyes, settling them on mine with determination. I withdrew my hand, my lungs filling with air. I knew she was about to test my willpower, and for once, I didn't care.

  Her eyes darkened as she smiled devilishly down at me. I released my hold on her, my hands moving to my sides and clenching the sheets tightly. Her hands found my waistband, unbuttoning and unzipping my shorts. Slowly, she slid backwards, taking my clothes with her. I lifted my hips, allowing her to pull them down my legs. I kicked them the rest of the way off with my feet. Settling between my thighs, she reached for me. I closed my eyes as I waited for her touch.

  When I felt the soft, wet, feather-like caress of her tongue on me, I came crashing back to reality. I couldn't let her do this with the secret between us. I sat up, grasping her arms and pulling her upwards. The disappointment on her face almost did me in. For a just a moment, her eyes lost the sparkle I love so much, replaced by something I never thought I'd see.


  "Baby, you don't have to do that."

  "I know, Eric. I just want to make you feel as good as you make me. Since you have this rule against sex, I just thought-" She faltered, her voice cracking, before she pulled away. Unable to meet my eyes, she looked at a spot on the wall behind me. "You know what? Nevermind. I was crazy for thinking you-" When she tried to stand, I pulled her back to me, wrapping my arms tightly around her.

  "Sssshhh, Jenna. I'm sorry. It's not like that." I put a finger under her chin, tilting her face upward. "Come on, look at me." Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she lifted her eyes to mine. When I saw the unshed tears pooled there, it broke me. "Jenna, please. Please don't cry." I tried a reassuring smile that probably looked more like a grimace, and all I wanted to do was take it back. "You have to know you're the best thing that ever happened to me."

  I waited for her to say something, and when she finally did, it shattered my heart. "Then what is wrong with me?" Her words were low but filled with pain. I'd confess everything, lose my guitar, anything, to take away the hurt. In that moment, I would've done anything to make her smile again.

  Pulling her closer, I whispered near her ear, "Sunshine, it has nothing to do with you. I want nothing more than to rip off your clothes and show you what you do to me." My hands roamed over her back, soothing her as best I could. "I have to tell you something, and I'm afraid you're going to leave when I do." Those were the hardest words I'd ever had to say. I couldn't lose her, not over something like this. A stupid bet, made before I knew just how much she would come to mean to me. And now, there's more than my guitar on the line.

  "Eric, are you listening to me?" Jenna is looking at me like I'm crazy, and I realize I've been daydreaming again. "I was saying that you could punish me later if you wanted to."

  "I can't wait, Sunshine," I say with meaning. "I can't wait."

  We walk to the cafeteria, hand in hand, while I try to remember the beauty of last night instead of our fight.

  I won't ever hurt her again.

  Chapter 5


  Several of Eric's fraternity brothers already have a table, so we join them in the corner. They are loud and boisterous as they talk about the upcoming party. I'm beginning to think that's all they do. Party. Hook-up. Sleep. Eat. Fart.

  When I spot Quincy in line, I stand and wave her over. She hesitates as her eyes roam down the table, no doubt assessing her options. My sweet and naive best friend is in a pickle. Torn between two of Eric's fraternity brothers, she has no idea where to sit. Declan is sitting near the end opposite from us while Brody is sitting next to Eric. Finally, with her head down, she moves toward me, choosing the seat directly across from Brody.

  I feel Eric stiffen next to me
, and I nudge his foot under the table, signaling for him to act normal. He knows about the soap opera playing out in front of us, but as far as I know, no one else does.

  He says he's staying out of it and that he hasn't chosen sides, but I think he has. He likes and respects Declan, and he's pissed at Brody for betraying his friend, betraying the brotherhood. Since Declan saw her first, asked her out first, Eric thinks Brody should back off. Right. Like they're kids arguing over who gets the toy. Just because you saw it first doesn't mean you can make it yours.

  I'm not afraid to admit I've picked a side. Quincy's. Period. Good, bad, and ugly.

  But, I've gotta say, I don't envy her at all. Brody is what I'd call 'delicious'. Sex on a stick. With his piercing blue eyes and unruly black hair, he's got it goin' on. Problem is, every girl on campus thinks the same thing and wants a piece of him. They seem to line up, waiting for him to pick them out of the crowd. But I've watched him. He only has eyes for Quincy. He is officially 'off the market'. Otherwise, I'd kick his ass. Declan, on the other hand, is everything you wish you wanted. He's tall, dark, and handsome. There's something calming about his rich, dark eyes and inviting smile. And his dimples. Can't forget those dimples. He's not only hot, but he loves my friend with all his heart. It's obvious as his eyes follow her across the room. He would be good for her.

  Quincy has to make the decision on her own, and I can only hold her hand while she struggles with her insecurities.

  I already know the end to this story. I saw it written on her face when she first met both guys. They were standing together, and Quincy's eyes lit up when Declan spoke to her, the soft glow of his personality drawing her in. But, I saw her face transform when Brody looked at her as if he were a wolf and she was a rabbit.

  She never had a chance.

  As her best friend, it's my job to support her decisions, not to make them for her. I'd love to grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her. I mean, hello! What best friend wouldn't? But I know that decisions of the heart take time. Rushing can only lead to what-ifs, doubt, and regret. I tell her to follow her heart... if only things were that easy. When the heart is right, it's a happily ever after, the princess gets her prince and all that jazz. But when the heart is wrong, it's just... wrong.

  In a totally devastating way.

  Either way, it's terrifying. It's fear of the unknown that holds us back. We hide in the shadows, not knowing whether something beautiful or a broken heart awaits us on the other side of a decision. But not me. I'm more afraid of not grasping what's right in front of me, of letting it slip through my fingers, never really knowing what might have been.

  But that's easy for me to say.

  I've never been broken.

  "So, Quince, are we still going shopping this afternoon?" I ask for two reasons. One, I really need to know if she's going to help me shop for my trip with Eric. Two, it provides a perfect distraction.

  I'm sneaky like that.

  The relief on her face is clear as she smiles back at me, the tension easing from her shoulders. "Yeah, sure. You know how much I love shopping." She rolls her eyes, sarcasm oozing from her mouth. It should be sacrilegious for a normal eighteen year old girl to hate shopping as much as Quincy does. It's just not right.

  "Oh, come on. It's not that bad. Plus you know you love eating at Naples." I've resorted to bribery, promising her lunch at her favorite restaurant if she'll go with me. Hell, I may even pay her off if she'll at least pretend to enjoy it.

  We banter back and forth as the conversation continues to boom around us. The guys have only two volumes: loud and louder. When I left for college, I had no idea what I was getting into. I'd never been far from Collier, and I certainly wasn't prepared for the social life at UT. It's like the door to a whole new world has been opened, and I never want to go back.

  I glance from face to face in wonder. These guys, Eric's fraternity brothers, have welcomed us with open arms. Honestly, I bought into the stigma surrounding fraternity guys, thinking they were just womanizing man-whores who love to party. And they are, for the most part, but to stop there, I would've missed out on who they really are.

  Seth reaches for Quincy's tray when he goes to empty his own. Another guy, Drew, reaches for mine. At parties and clubs, they surround us as a protective wall of muscle and brawn, making me feel safe and secure. They've taken us in, becoming the big brothers we've never had.

  Under the table, Eric rests his hand on my bare thigh and chills shoot up my spine. I shiver as he whispers, "Sunshine, I don't want to burst your bubble, but you won't need any clothes this weekend." His voice, low and deep, ignites something powerful and brilliant inside me. I love this man.

  "Is that a promise?" I ask, nipping at his jawline. The anticipation is driving me wild, crazy with sixty days worth of pent-up passion.

  "It's whatever you want it to be." He leans into me, his hand slipping higher up my thigh, his fingers working their own special brand of magic on me.

  "Why don't you guys get a room?" Seth booms loudly, rudely interrupting our moment.

  Eric glares at him, but when he opens his mouth to speak, I put my hand out, stopping him. Instead, I have something to say. "We would get a room if we didn't have five hundred bucks riding on it, but you better believe we're going to take care of that in less than 48 hours."

  As Seth bursts out laughing, Declan almost chokes on his drink, smiling behind the hand covering his mouth. His deep, brown eyes scream I am innocent. He looks so sweet and blameless that it would be easy to believe him; however, I know he's not. The bet was his idea- a stupid idea- but somehow, I can't be mad at him. Damn it.

  I should be embarrassed to admit I'd like nothing more than to get in my boyfriend's pants. But I'm not a normal girl, and I don't give a shit.

  A girl has her needs.

  Chapter 6


  Jenna rarely shocks me. I've never met a girl who just simply... is. She doesn't buy into the whole popularity contest surrounding us. Sure, we left the whole jocks versus geeks thing behind when we came to college, but the social circles still exist. Though she'd easily fit in anywhere, she doesn't seem to give a damn.

  That turns me on. A lot.

  Less than 48 hours, and she'll be mine. I've fantasized about this for sixty long- and sometimes painful- days. The first night she showed up at one of our fraternity parties, I felt like the luckiest bastard in the world. I probably invited over a hundred girls to that party, but there was only one I couldn't wait to lay eyes on.

  I even warned the other guys away from her. What a dick move. I wasn't taking any chances though. I may be a guy, but I know how girls look at Brody with his dark, bad boy vibe and Declan with his long eyelashes and dimples. Hell, even Seth, with his over-the-top craziness and booming voice. Jenna was one girl they weren't getting their hands on.

  I made damn sure of it.

  And then, when I took her on our first date, I almost lost my shit. That girl greeted me at the door in cowboy boots and another short dress, and all I wanted to do was push her back inside and have my way with her. Now that I think about it, I probably should have. That was before the bet.

  Before I sold my soul for a guitar.

  On our way back across campus, Jenna wraps her arm around me, threading her fingers between mine, the sweet touch twisting my insides into knots. Just a few weeks ago, I would have put distance between us, afraid that someone might notice, that it might ruin my rep with the girls on campus. But today, I smile, swinging our hands between us as we walk.

  There's something about her that just feels right.

  I follow Jenna up the stairs to her dorm room. I can't help it when my eyes skim down her body, taking in the sway of her hips and her long, bare legs. Naturally tan, I know for a fact that there are no lines marring her body.

  And her ass.

  She has a nice ass.

  Tight, round, and made for cupping. Fits perfectly in my hands. I like it best when she's wearing only
a t-shirt and panties because it exposes that delicious curve where the cheek meets her leg. True perfection.

  If her shorts were just a little shorter... damn, the way her hips move, the flirty smile she throws over her shoulder. I swear she's doing it on purpose. I'm already hard before we reach her room, but that's all it takes with her - just a simple touch and a smile. I'm all hers.

  As soon as the door closes, Jenna quickly turns, pushing me back against the door. "You think I didn't notice you checking me out?" The playful lilt of her voice sends chills up my back and down my arms, anticipation settling in the pit of my stomach.

  "I can't help myself when you look like this," I groan as she runs her hand down my chest, pressing her body against mine. The way she molds to me, hip to hip, it's as if she were made just for me.

  My hands run up her thighs and around her ass, pulling her into me. I hold my breath as she leans closer, her lips ghosting across my mine, a whisper that is... almost. My eyes are drawn to hers, never wavering as she pulls back, her lips gliding along my jaw, to my ear, her soft exhale shooting bolts of pleasure pulsing through me. I close my eyes, anticipating her touch, her tongue... Her mouth moves against me as she whispers, "You are in so much trouble, Eric James."

  She abruptly pushes against my chest, freeing herself from my arms, backing away with a sly grin on her face. I take two steps toward her, and she holds up a hand, halting me where I stand. I'm confused. "What the hell, Jenna!?"

  "You silly boy. You didn't think you were going to get off that easy, did you?" Still smiling, she sashays to the closet, those long, bare legs carrying her further from me. Slowly, she bends down, her shorts riding up to expose the soft curves of her ass, as she removes her boots one at a time. Every movement is calculated, orchestrated to draw me into her wicked web. Yeah, she knows exactly what she's doing.

  "Sunshine, you do not want to play this game with me. I will win." My eyes trail back up her body as she stands. When she glances at me over her shoulder, her eyelids hooded, my body responds immediately.