Patience Page 5
She casts a look over her shoulder, and I lean in, pressing my lips to the delicate skin of her neck. Quickly, she turns around, wagging her finger at me as she shakes her head. Again, she begins dancing around me, touching me lightly, hinting but not pressing, before pulling away. What a tease.
It's working.
The next time she moves close to me, I surprise her by grabbing her around the waist and capturing her against me. Her eyes widen in shock then heat with desire as they linger on my lips before meeting my eyes once again. Her chest rises and falls rapidly as she struggles to catch her breath, her pants erratic and uneven. This little game she's playing is driving both of us crazy, pushing us closer to the point of no return.
Pushing us toward the inevitable.
And that's how we end up standing still in the middle of the dance floor while hundreds of people dance around us. The lights flash, and the music vibrates through the floor and up my legs. We're lost in each other, unaware of the bodies crashing into us as we hold onto each other.
It's not until the song ends and she giggles playfully in my ear that I realize neither of us has said a word since we began dancing.
We didn't have to.
Some things just don't need words.
Chapter 13
Uggghhh. Oh my god. My head hurts. Every time I close my eyes, I think I'm going to hurl. And the room... why the hell is the room spinning?
I had a few drinks, no more than I usually have. I remember dancing with Quincy, then Eric, and returning to the house with the guys. We played a few rounds of bullshit, and voi-la! Here I am. I feel like I'm dying.
Holy shit! He drugged me!
I sit straight up in the bed, causing my head to quake with a new round of pounding. I'm alone in Eric's bed. He drugged me so he wouldn't have to have sex with me, then he left me here to die. He just had to win the bet, didn't he?
Well, he's going to pay for this. I haven't felt this bad since... well, since never. I flop back down on the bed, my head once again issuing me a warning as it throbs with each heartbeat. It hurts to move. It hurts to think.
For the life of me, I can't remember much of what happened last night after we got back to the house. We were in the kitchen, crowded around the bar with several brothers. When we left Bliss, it was late, and I had a good buzz going. We walked into a loud, rambunctious group of guys gathered around the bar in the kitchen playing drinking games.
As soon as he saw us, Seth yelled, "Pour two more shots! We've got company!" He motioned for us to join them, but I shook my head. I was tired and ready to put Operation Striptease into motion. I had it all planned out.
Eric glanced at me, and I know he had to see me, but instead of walking upstairs, he walked over to the bar, shouting, "Hell, yeah! Come on, Jenna. Just a few rounds?" He was already lifting a shot glass to his lips as he shot me a panty-dropping smile.
I remember taking a seat, tossing back a shot or two, Eric rubbing my knee, Seth pouring shot after shot.... and here I am.
That shithead drugged me. It's the only explanation.
I'm still lying in the bed, my eyes tightly closed, when I hear the door open and close. I remain still, breathing calmly, one breath at a time to gain control of the spinning universe. I feel the bed sink with Eric's weight next to me right before he takes my hand in his. "Hey, Sunshine. It's time to get up." I groan as his words penetrate the fog in my head. "I know, babe. It's going to be a rough day, but we've got to get on the road soon." He squeezes my hand, reassuring me, but it just pisses me off.
"What the fuck, Eric?" I open my eyes causing the world to spin again.
"I know you feel bad, but- "
"You... you... animal!" I sit up, instantly regretting the sudden movement."You were so afraid you were going to lose your precious guitar. You just had to do it." I'm vaguely aware that I sound like a raving lunatic, even with all of the thoughts crashing around inside my stubborn skull.
"Do what, Jenna? What're you talking about?" His voice is filled with amusement and what may be a tiny amount of concern.
"You drugged me!" I shout, knowing it's not true.
Ok, so maybe he didn't drug me. But he let me drug me.
At first, he seems taken aback by what I said, and then he bursts out laughing. Falling back on the bed, he lies beside me laughing like a hyena. He laughs and laughs, clutching his stomach, until tears stream down his face. When he finally catches a breath, he struggles to speak, finally asking, "Now, why in the hell would I do that?"
I want smack his head off his shoulders.
"Stop laughing. It makes my head hurt." Now, I'm whining. I pull a pillow over my head when he starts laughing again. And suddenly, I have the urge to laugh, knowing how ridiculous I must sound but not ready to give up.
I hold onto the pillow as he tugs on it. "If I wanted to take advantage of you, Sunshine, I wouldn't have drugged you. And if I wanted to avoid you, I'd have taken you home."
Since he can't get the pillow, he starts tickling me, his fingers digging into my sides. I kick at him, tossing and turning, trying to throw him off of me. Melting into a fit of giggles, I give up. "Ok, stop! Stop! I can't breathe!"
He finally lets go of me, still laughing. "My girl has a big imagination."
"Asshole. Why did you let me do that?"
"I didn't let you do anything. I think you did it all on your own." He sighs, patting my thigh. "How was I supposed to know you were going to get shitfaced?"
I can remember him taking a phone call and leaving the room. He looked vaguely worried, but he smiled at me over his shoulder. That's really the last clear memory I have.
"You left me with Seth." Like that explains everything.
"Yeah, I guess I did do that." He starts laughing again, and I suddenly feel like I need to puke. "Brody called. I went outside for a minute, and when I came back in, the damage was already done." He smiles, this time, a little sadly.
"Brody called? About what?" I sit up, the sudden change in his voice worries me.
"He just wanted us to know Quincy was safe with him. That's all." He stands abruptly and walks to his closet. "Come on, sleepyhead. If we're going to see the Biltmore, we've gotta get on the road."
As he packs, I get dressed and wait. He's right. As much as I want him in a hotel room all to myself, I'm going to see the Biltmore. Even if I am hung over, feeling like shit stuck to the bottom of a shoe, I will enjoy every minute of it.
I'm almost giddy with excitement on the drive over to the dorm. Quincy's not there, so I assume she's still with Brody. While I pack my suitcase, a feeling of uncertainty passes through me. I leave her a brief note in case she needs something.
She would've called me if something were wrong.
Chapter 14
Call me an asshole, but I don't want to ruin this weekend with Jenna by telling her that all hell broke loose last night. While she and I were partying it up at the house, our friends were breaking hearts and getting hearts broken.
In the worst possible way, Declan found out about Quincy and Brody. If they would've just been honest, come clean... What the hell were they thinking? Now, my two best friends are fighting, and I feel like a dick. I knew what was going on, and I didn't say a word.
Something we'll deal with when we get back.
For now, I've got the most beautiful girl in the world sitting across from me, our bags in the back, and we're driving through the mountains. I couldn't have asked for anything more.
She's quiet, staring out the window, and it's almost as if she knows something isn't right. She's so close to Quincy, it's like they have a sixth sense about each other. It's one of those creepy woman things I've learned not to question.
My thoughts wander as the miles pass by, but honestly, I can't stop thinking about the girl sitting right here with me. Last night, I took Brody's call, was only gone about fifteen minutes, but when I stepped back inside
, I found my girl as shitfaced as I've ever seen her.
She's right. I should've known not to leave her with Seth. He's contagious, his laughter infectious, and he's always ready to party. Always.
A lightweight like Jenna didn't stand a chance.
The party was breaking up, the guys heading upstairs, as Jenna leaned against Seth for support. She was looking up at him, barely able to stand, when I overheard her ask, "Sef, I lub him, you know? D'you really think he wikes me, too?" Oh, yeah. Plastered.
I should have interrupted, or at least let them know I was there, but I was stunned into silence. Words slowly written across my stomach with her delicate fingertip, although they were heart stopping, never felt as good as hearing the words come out of her mouth, garbled as they were.
"Jenna, babe, that man is head over heels for you. He'd be one stupid bastard if he wasn't." She giggled, a soft tinkling sound that faded away. I expected her to have a big comeback, but there was only silence.
I paused one more second before walking around the corner to find my girl curled up in Seth's lap. Asleep.
He looked up, raising his hands and shrugging his shoulders in defense, a slow smile spreading across his face. "I'm a good listener," he whispered, and for some reason, I found it amusing to see my mammoth friend holding all that is precious to me. He carefully stood, gently cradling her in his arms. A bull in a china shop, yet he handed her to me with care, like the precious cargo she is.
As I turned to leave the room, he put a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. I raised my brows in question. "I might just kick your ass if you make a liar outta me." She's already got him wrapped around her finger.
That's just how Jenna is. She smiles and works her magic on everyone around her, wiggling her way into people's hearts without even meaning to and before they know what's happened.
I stared down into her face as I carried her up the stairs and to my room, and when I lay down beside her, I couldn't resist snuggling into her, burying my face in the curve of her shoulder and breathing in her now familiar scent. She sighed, relaxing against me, and whispered, "I lub you. I do."
If she didn't already own me, heart, body, and soul, she would've right then. The girl who's told me twice that she loves me and doesn't even know it.
She owns me.
If I make a liar out of Seth, I might just kick my own ass.
Chapter 15
Something just doesn't feel right. Quincy didn't call or text me last night, and she wasn't at the dorm when I went to pack. Eric says Brody called him, and I remember the phone call last night. Eric was gone for a while, longer than a simple message would have taken. Since she's with Brody, things must be OK. She would have called me. Right?
I can't put my finger on it. Call it intuition, call it crap, but something doesn't feel right.
Eric reaches for my hand, and I tangle my fingers with his, seeking the comfort I find there. It's scary how easy it was to fall for him. I mean, the first time he spoke to me, I just knew. I could've tried to talk myself out of it or tried to rationalize it, but I just felt it. Why waste time trying to make up my mind when my heart already knew?
Those moments of hesitation, of trying to be careful, they can cost you. Big time. So, I went for it, and I'm on this ride for as long as it lasts. I figure the only way to find out if it's going to last is if you try to make it last.
I'm all in.
"You alright over there?" He squeezes my hand, and I turn to face him. For several, deafeningly quiet moments, I just stare at him, unable to take my eyes off his perfect profile... his blue eyes, chiseled jawline, and full lips. As the sun plays off his blonde hair and his lips turn up in a smile, I am overcome with emotion. He's so freakin' hot. If he were an ice cream cone, I'd eat every delicious bite right now.
Finally, he glances at me, his eyes briefly studying my face before returning to the road. The look in his eyes is one of raw hunger, born from many nights of resisting temptation. This bond between us is heating up, threatening to burn me from the inside out.
Something like this just can't be ignored.
"I'm feeling better by the minute." He knows I'm staring, analyzing every detail of his face, committing it to memory. In a room full of men, with my eyes closed, I think I could find him just by smell and touch alone.
And just like that, the lingering effects of my hangover evaporate. I'm drunk on Eric James, so lost in him that nothing else makes sense.
"What happened last night? I remember you leaving the room, and I remember Seth pouring more shots, but after that... nothing. Did I pass out?" I've never been that drunk before, and while I apparently had fun, it kind of scares me. Quincy must be rubbing off on me.
"Something like that." Something, a hint of strained amusement, in his voice catches my attention. Weird.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Please, God, don't tell me I did something stupid or embarrassing. Shit, shit... shit!
"You passed out in Seth's lap. He was holding you like a baby." Reaching out, he pats my knee. I'm not sure if he's comforting me or preparing me for something worse. "And, then-"
"No, wait. I did what!?" Seth? Really?
He laughs, and I can tell he's totally enjoying this. "You heard me. You curled up in Seth's big lap and went to sleep. No telling what you would have done if you hadn't passed out." There's not one hint of jealousy there. Only amusement. He is so messing with me.
"Yeah, I know. I'm so sex-starved, it's just a wonder I didn't attack him." Stiffening next to me, his hand grips mine tighter than before. "I mean, he is kind of hot in that football player kind of way." No smile now. It serves him right.
"Yeah? Well, something else I found out... you like to talk when you're drinking." It's my turn to be horrified. My heart actually skips a beat in my chest, restarting with a bang. I take a deep breath, holding it, wondering if he's serious or just messing with me.
"You're so funny. If I was passed out, I wasn't talking." There. He thinks he's so smart.
"Jenna, they call it 'talking in your sleep' for a reason." He smirks, actually smirks at me, keeping his eyes on the road. And that's his weakness. He has to drive, and I'm free to do whatever I want.
I withdraw my hand from his, pretending to be upset. Inside, I'm really going crazy. Thoughts crash around inside my head, answers that don't really make me feel better.
Is he telling the truth? Probably not. Could I have said something I'll regret? I'm not the kind of girl to harbor regrets. Why the hell is he so smug? He's just playin' me. Right?
And why the hell can't I keep a straight face?
I reach across the console, my hand resting on his jean-clad thigh. His response is immediate, his heat warming my hand. His thigh twitches as my fingers inched higher and higher, closer to the glory land. Turning in my seat, I lean closer to him, until my lips just graze his jaw. "So... what, exactly, did I say?" I use my sexiest voice, low and sultry.
His eyes flick to me and back to the road before he answers."I'll never tell." Another panty-dropping smile. Big mistake.
Impulsively, I lick him, my tongue darting out to taste him as it moves up his neck to the base of his ear. I slowly exhale, releasing my breath across his skin and drawing goosebumps from him. He shivers as my hand inches upward, cupping the bulge in his pants.
"What? If you'd just stop playing these games and tell me what I want to know..." I don't finish the sentence. I don't need to. The bulge is growing in my hand, pressing against his zipper, even as he struggles to act indifferent.
Some things, a man just can't hide.
"It was nothing, Jenna." He gulps, swallowing hard as I watch him struggle. "I was just playing with you."
Just knowing I have this effect on him makes me feel warm and tingly inside. Powerful. I close my eyes, breathing in his intoxicating scent mixed with a hint of my favorite cologne as a familiar ache builds within me.
Whoever said 'good things come to those who
wait'... well, they can go to Hell.
Chapter 16
"I don't believe you," she whispers against my neck. "What did I say?" She knows exactly how to push my buttons, knows exactly what turns me on. I swear I almost ran off the road when she grabbed me like that. Jenna Ryan is a whirlwind, tossing my world upside down and rearranging all I thought I knew. Since I met her, I've been living with a perpetual hard-on. One permanent erection.
"Jenna, if you keep touching me like that, I'm going to stop right here and make you believe me." My voice hitches, catching in my throat along with the breath she's stealing. I'm her hostage.
Taking my ear lobe into her mouth, she gently sucks, then bites, before abruptly sitting back in her seat. Instantly, I feel the loss of her heat, leaving me cold and bereft, an emptiness where she touched me. I steal a glance in her direction, and she smiles slyly, her playful side on display. When she pulls her bottom lip into her mouth and bites it, I want to slam on the brakes and pull over. "Fine. I'll just stay on my side of the car," she pouts.
"Fine." Not fine. I want her over here, in my lap, touching me and letting me touch her. She's only a few inches away, but it's too far. She acts so damn unaffected, but I see the rapid rise and fall of her chest, the pink stealing across her sun-kissed cheeks.
Now, more than ever, I know she's the girl for me. She makes me feel good, like a breath of fresh air on a warm spring day, makes me crave her more and more every day. I want to know everything there is to know about her.
More than anything, she makes me want to be her everything. I want... no, I need, to be the one who earns that devastating smile, who makes her new with just my touch. I. Love. Jenna. Ryan.
At the next exit, I leave the interstate. Gas and caffeine. I adjust myself and will my hard-on down, trying to think of anything besides Jenna's hands on me, her antics having left me hot and uncomfortable.
Fifty-nine days. It ends tonight.